There are quite a lot of common last names that start with the letter “S,” of which, the most common in the United States based on the census from the year 2021 are: “Smith,” “Sanchez,” “Scott,” “Stewart,” and “Sanders.”
In terms of popularity overall, Smith was actually the #1 most common last name in the United States in the year 2021 according to the census, and a number of other last names that begin with the letter “S” also made it quite high up in terms of being some of the most commonly used in America.

In order, the top 10 most common American last names that begin with “S” from the 2021 census include:
- Smith (#1 most common overall; with a count of 2442977)
- Sanchez (#26 most common overall; with a count of 612752)
- Scott (#36 most common overall; with a count of 439530)
- Stewart (#61 most common overall; with a count of 324957)
- Sanders (#94 most common overall; with a count of 230374)
- Sullivan (#105 most common overall; with a count of 220990)
- Simmons (#114 most common overall; with a count of 210182)
- Stevens (#135 most common overall; with a count of 185674)
- Simpson (#158 most common overall; with a count of 163181)
- Silva (#163 most common overall; with a count of 161633)
If you’re looking for a good last name, say for naming a fictional character like the main character in a novel or film or TV script, or if you’re looking to change your last name to something besides what it currently is, there are a lot of options insofar as nice last names that begin with the letter “S.”
Because there are so many, they also vary quite considerably.
In terms of length, they’re typically between 4 and 9 letters, and between one and three syllables in length, which means there’s plenty of room for picking out a last name that’s either short or long.
This can be helpful if you’ve picked out a first name before picking out your last name, as sometimes first names sound better with longer last names, and other times they sound better with short last names.
There are also last names that are more common amongst different races than they are amongst others, so if you’re looking for a last name that begins with “S” that’s more common amongst South Asians, for example, you’re likely looking for a last name like “Singh” rather than “Smith,” or if you’re looking for a Chinese last name that ends with “S,” a more common option is “Shen” rather than “Sanchez.”

I’ve pulled the following names lists, of the most common last names that start with the letter “S,” from the United States census as of the year 2021.
I was able to find the data on last name popularity on the Names Census website, and it divides surnames by race in the following categories: Asian and Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Two or More Races, and White.
The data, as all census data, is self-reported, and thus the race categories are based on those who self-identified as one race or another, or as mixed.
To give you a better overview of name popularity by race, I’ve included the most popular last names that start with “S” for a number of these categories, after listing a top 50 names across all races in the United States.
I’m hoping this will give you an easier time delving into different last names, and finding the right one for what you’re looking for.
Writing a fictional piece? I’d love to know the type of piece you’re working on (novel, series of novels, poem, TV script, movie script, etc.), as well as who you’re looking to name and if these lists help you find a good last name for your chacter.
Looking to change your last name? What type of last name are you searching for and did you find a good option in the following lists?
Stumbled across this article because you were curious? Did you discover something interesting in the lists of most common last names that begin with the letter “S”?
Came across this article for another reason? I’d love to hear the story behind your search in the comments down below!

Some of the Most Common White, Black, Asian, & Latin Last Names That Start With “S”
Most Common Last Names That Start With S in the United States
- Smith
- Sanchez
- Scott
- Stewart
- Sanders
- Sullivan
- Simmons
- Stevens
- Simpson
- Silva
- Shaw
- Snyder
- Stone
- Salazar
- Schmidt
- Stephens
- Soto
- Spencer
- Santos
- Sandoval
- Santiago
- Singh
- Sims
- Schultz
- Schneider
- Stanley
- Sutton
- Shelton
- Schwartz
- Steele
- Solis
- Salinas
- Simon
- Sharp
- Swanson
- Serrano
- Stevenson
- Sherman
- Saunders
- Schroeder
- Strickland
- Suarez
- Salas
- Sparks
- Stokes
- Santana
- Shepherd
- Shaffer
- Shah
- Short

Some of the Most Common White Last Names That Start With S
- Smith
- Scott
- Stewart
- Sullivan
- Snyder
- Stevens
- Schmidt
- Sanders
- Stone
- Simmons
- Simpson
- Shaw
- Stephens
- Schultz
- Schneider
- Spencer
- Schwartz
- Stanley
- Swanson
- Steele
- Shelton
- Sutton
- Sharp
- Schroeder
- Sims
- Sherman
- Shaffer
- Sparks
- Simon
- Strickland
- Stevenson
- Short
- Sweeney
- Shepherd
- Saunders
- Summers
- Skinner
- Silva
- Stein
- Stout
- Snow
- Sawyer
- Schaefer
- Stark
- Sexton
- Shields
- Stephenson
- Savage
- Stafford
- Stokes
- Shannon
- Sloan
- Schmitt
- Sellers
- Shea
- Stuart
- Shepard
- Strong
- Small
- Snider
- Stanton
- Shoemaker
- Spears
- Sanford
- Solomon
- Springer
- Sears
- Spence
- Slater
- Sorensen
- Sanchez
- Sweet
- Sheehan
- Singleton
- Sheppard
- Sutherland
- Swartz
- Shafer
- Starr
- Shapiro
- Schumacher
- Sargent
- Singer
- Sampson
- Stern
- Shirley
- Schafer
- Schulz
- Schmitz
- Simons
- Swenson
- Steiner
- Stover
- Santos
- Stahl
- Sprague
- Siegel
- Seymour
- Self
- Sanderson
- Stratton
- Sharpe
- Sheridan
- Sinclair
- Sheets
- Stiles
- Sherwood
- Stroud
- Swift
- Schaffer
- Stinson
- Sizemore
- Smart
- Silver
- Swan
- Spangler
- Sheldon
- Shipley
- Sadler
- Stacy
- Swain
- Skaggs
- Schuster
- Shultz
- Snell
- Sterling
- Shearer
- Story
- Sumner
- Schrader
- Souza
- Schulte
- Spaulding
- Schwab
- Shook
- Slaughter
- Schreiber
- Shaver
- Schilling
- Sapp
- Stapleton
- Sorenson
- Staley
- Schwarz
- Stanford
- Sands
- Sheffield
- Spicer
- Sewell
- Sauer
- Sykes
- Silverman
- Saylor
- Stauffer
- Schaeffer
- Street
- Stoner
- Simms
- Spivey
- Sylvester
- Stjohn
- Schuler
- Stump
- Stearns
- Skelton
- Stoddard
- Starkey
- Strauss
- Stringer
- Smallwood
- Stubbs
- Squires
- Seaman
- Scherer
- Starnes
- Stclair
- Stallings
- Steward
- Sousa
- Shank
- Snodgrass
- Smiley
- Steinberg
- Shelley
- Staples
- Strange
- Shipman
- Schell
- Stock
- Sams
- Seitz
- Schubert
- Satterfield
- Salisbury
- Spear
- Storey

Some of the Most Common Black Last Names That Start With S
- Smith
- Scott
- Stewart
- Simmons
- Sanders
- Sims
- Simpson
- Shaw
- Spencer
- Stephens
- Singleton
- Stevenson
- Stevens
- Stokes
- Sutton
- Shelton
- Saunders
- Simon
- Sullivan
- Small
- Stanley
- Solomon
- Steele
- Stone
- Starks
- Strong
- Simms
- Sampson
- Samuel
- Strickland
- Sykes
- Samuels
- Spears
- Smalls
- Slaughter
- Savage
- Sheppard
- Shields
- Shepherd
- Shannon
- Steward
- Sharp
- Summers
- Sherman
- Skinner
- Sellers
- Scales
- Spence
- Stafford
- Shepard
- Singletary
- Sterling
- Sawyer
- Sneed
- Stallworth
- Sharpe
- Swain
- Sparks
- Sanford
- Seals
- Spann
- Stinson
- Stephenson
- Stovall
- Smiley
- Short
- Sloan
- Spivey
- Stubbs
- Scruggs
- Suggs
- Sewell
- Sinclair
- Stanford
- Smart
- Shorter
- Slater
- Smallwood
- Shelby
- Stanton
- Spearman
- Stroud
- Street
- Sherrod
- Staton
- Snow
- Spruill
- Stallings
- Sapp
- Sledge
- Swift
- Staten
- Snowden
- Slade
- Staples
- Snell
- Swanson
- Sturdivant
- Stuart
- Seay
- Sylvester
- Sears
- Salter
- Simpkins
- Sheffield
- Streeter
- Stringer
- Sumpter
- Stuckey
- Swann
- Snead
- Springer
- Shivers
- Savoy
- Sadler
- Sams
- Sowell
- Sam
- Spriggs
- Shabazz
- Shipp
- Searcy
- Sample
- Stamps
- Shuler
- Suber
- Swan
- Speight
- Silas
- Snipes
- Smoot
- Speed
- Seymour
- Spikes
- Stith
- Starling
- Shell
- Sutherland
- Shirley
- Silver
- Sands
- Session
- Spicer
- Sweeney
- Singh
- Sweet
- Staley
- Sales
- Stroman
- Sanchez
- Shavers
- Starr
- Salley
- Spain
- Settles
- Stephen
- Shipman
- Strother
- Simons
- Sargent
- Snyder
- Shine
- Story
- Styles
- Shephard
- Swinton
- Sayles
- Smothers
- Seward
- Sandifer
- Strange
- Seymore
- Saddler
- Shackelford
- Salmon
- Speller
- Satterwhite
- Santos
- Sessoms
- Summerville
- Scroggins
- Sibley
- Skipper
- Sparrow
- Steed
- Stubblefield
- Shanks

Some of the Most Common Asian, South Asian, & Pacific Islander Last Names That Start With S
- Singh
- Shah
- Song
- Shin
- Sun
- Santos
- Sharma
- Smith
- Shen
- Su
- Son
- So
- Sato
- Saechao
- Sung
- Suh
- Shi
- Suzuki
- Sanchez
- Syed
- Siddiqui
- Santiago
- Shih
- Soriano
- Seo
- Sandhu
- Shim
- Saito
- Siu
- Sim
- Sok
- Sam
- Sin
- Shaikh
- Sasaki
- Sheth
- Sheikh
- Sidhu
- Salvador
- Sakamoto
- Silva
- Samuel
- Szeto
- Shimizu
- Srinivasan
- Sy
- Saelee
- Sison
- Sinha
- Sarmiento
- Seto
- Shaw
- Sakai
- Saephan
- Shao
- Salazar
- Saetern
- Saini
- Sohn
- Shu
- Subramanian
- Scott
- Samson
- Seng
- Shum
- Shukla
- Serrano
- Soni
- Simon
- Sum
- Sen
- Situ
- Srivastava
- Sethi
- San
- See
- Som
- Saeteurn
- Sebastian
- Soohoo
- Stewart
- Sales
- Sheng
- Saxena
- Shimabukuro
- Sultana
- Shankar
- Saeed
- Saha
- Shrestha
- Saleem
- Sood
- Sarkar
- Shieh
- Shetty
- Sze
- Shibata
- Suarez
- Sullivan
- Salas
- Suen
- Siddiqi
- Sevilla
- Stevens
- Solomon
- Solis
- Sao
- Seth
- Spencer
- Shan
- Sing
- Sang
- Soo
- Shiroma
- Sanjuan
- Shimada
- Stone
- Sue
- Sugimoto
- Sunga
- Solanki
- Sahota
- Shahid
- Sugiyama
- Sablan
- Snyder
- Sanders
- Simmons
- Sumida
- Simpson
- Salcedo
- Soong
- Sakata
- Siddique
- Suri
- Schmidt
- Sultan
- Say
- Shiu
- Suk
- Salim
- Sundaram
- Sharif
- Shang
- Sengupta
- Sabado
- Sar
- Sit
- Suresh
- Sehgal
- Sou
- Sekhon
- Sayavong
- Shenoy
- Salinas
- Shroff
- Saephanh
- Shon
- Sangha
- Sannicolas
- Singhal
- Sawhney
- Sakurai
- Srey
- Souza
- Saiki
- Samonte
- Samra
- Subramaniam
- Sandoval
- Sia
- Siharath
- Soon
- Stephens
- Shek
- Sridhar
- Sha
- Sui
- Soto
- Si
- Sakaguchi
- Shishido
- Sanjose
- Stanley
- Swaminathan
- Sarwar
- Salonga
- Suon
- Sachdeva
- Sakuma
- Soh
- Sheu
- Sem
- Shinn
- Sagun
- Salgado
- Seki
- Sankar
- Sachdev
- Schultz
- Sanpedro
- Singson

Some of the Most Common Hispanic Last Names That Start With S
- Sanchez
- Salazar
- Soto
- Sandoval
- Santiago
- Silva
- Santos
- Salinas
- Solis
- Serrano
- Salas
- Suarez
- Santana
- Smith
- Sosa
- Salgado
- Saenz
- Saldana
- Sierra
- Saucedo
- Segura
- Serna
- Solano
- Sepulveda
- Sotelo
- Saldivar
- Saavedra
- Salcedo
- Soriano
- Solorzano
- Soria
- Solorio
- Segovia
- Santillan
- Salcido
- Sauceda
- Sifuentes
- Soliz
- Serrato
- Scott
- Sanches
- Santamaria
- Sarmiento
- Sanabria
- Santoyo
- Sarabia
- Samaniego
- Santacruz
- Stewart
- Servin
- Sevilla
- Salvador
- Salmeron
- Sena
- Sanders
- Sanmiguel
- Sorto
- Saiz
- Saravia
- Sisneros
- Sullivan
- Simon
- Suazo
- Soler
- Sigala
- Silvas
- Stevens
- Salguero
- Simmons
- Sotomayor
- Sedillo
- Simpson
- Saez
- Simental
- Segarra
- Sainz
- Sustaita
- Soltero
- Stone
- Santibanez
- Spencer
- Solares
- Shaw
- Samora
- Schmidt
- Stephens
- Salamanca
- Savala
- Samano
- Seda
- Sahagun
- Snyder
- Samayoa
- Singh
- Salomon
- Sebastian
- Sedano
- Santistevan
- Soza
- Sanjuan
- Silverio
- Suniga
- Stanley
- Segundo
- Sims
- Schultz
- Silvestre
- Steele
- Sepeda
- Schneider
- Souza
- Sapien
- Santizo
- Sagastume
- Serra
- Sambrano
- Stevenson
- Sequeira
- Servantes
- Sutton
- Sanmartin
- Salvatierra
- Sharp
- Shelton
- Sabala

Your Thoughts on Last Names Starting With S?
Did you find anything interesting in these lists of the most common last names that begin with the letter “S” according to the US census?
If you stumbled across this article in search for a good last name that begins with the letter “S,” did you find the perfect last name, or a number of good options for what you were looking for?
Also if you’re willing to share – if you’re looking for a good last name that begins with the letter “S” – what are you looking to name? Are you looking for a new last name for yourself?
Are you naming a fictional character? Would love to hear about what you’re working on, and again, if you found a good last name.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments below!
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