I’m really not sure why you’re newly adopting a pet rock in the first place, but I’m not here to judge!
Far be it – I’m here to help you name that cuddly inanimate soft or jagged chunk of a thing, same as when I did some digging to find the best cactus names on the plot for those who wanted entertaining names to bequeath their newly adopted pet plants.

In case you’re not interested in naming a few cacti for yourself – I’ll have you know I was pretty unconvinced I would ever name my own cactus, until I started looking up names others came up with for cacti on the good ol’ interwebs.
That sent me spiraling through post after post (yes, I usually ended up on Reddit), uncovering name after name, plus inventing some of my own that were just so utterly ridiculous and amusing, I couldn’t help but want an entire collection of cacti (which I actually have) labelled with my favourite witty ones (like “Spike” and “Woody”) for all who come over to our garden to see.
I’m still planning my collection out, and to be honest, I might end up scattering a few “pet rocks” in the mix. That’d be a hoot!
I’m most likely going to have my collection featured on a tall plant stand in my backyard, which would definitely leave room for a number of cute rock dudes, maybe with googly eyes or hand-painted eye balls on them, hanging out in the midst of the potted cacti.
I’ve always had a thing for rocks I deem pretty anyway, so this combo isn’t a stretch for me.
I was a rock collector as a kid, and no, I never owned anything as cool as a rock geode or a rock cluster before. I adored the way they looked and would’ve loved being gifted one to bits, but my mom always thought they were too expensive to let me buy.
Now that I’m an adult, though, I think they’d make for some killer additions to my succulent arrangements (like these Portuguese tiles did) and amidst potted plant collections (yup, mostly cacti). I may be a weirdo, but I like what I like!
Anyway, onto the names of those pet rocks!
Honestly, there are so many – I could have kept going with these for days just like I did with the cactus names.
There’s practically no end to the list – and mini-lists – I could’ve come up with in the pet rock department. And again – thanks to Redditors for most of these because daymn do they come up with good suggestions.
I’ve split these up into a slew of different sub-categories. You may want to scan the headers first to see if there’s a category you prefer over the others, then take a closer look at that one first to see if you can find the ideal name.
If you’re thinking of starting a pet rock collection, and aren’t just trying to name one rock, you may want to use a sub-category as a naming convention to give your pet rocks.
Take for instance the names “Pedro” and “Stein” – if you like both of them, you might want to give the entirety of your pet rock collection names that mean “rock” in other languages, as both these names fit into that classification.
You could also name your entire rock collection after famous pop culture references – with a rock-themed twist. Like “Sylvester The Stone” after Sylvester Stallone or “Fred Flintstone” after – well, Fred Flintstone!
There are a lot of other ways you can go with this, but I personally love naming conventions, so I’d personally pick a theme most likely for an entire collection. It seems like way too much fun!
End up with a favourite pet rock name after reading through this list?
Have a few that you’d like to flag as better-than-the-others, or have even come up with some original ones that you think should be seen by others looking to name pet rocks?
Do take a moment to leave any and all recommendations for names for pet rocks you have in the comments down below! Always room for more – and to give more attention to those that are really worth the spotlight!

Names for Pet Rocks: Funny, Cute, Ironic, & Too Good Not to Use
Names That Mean “Rock” in Other Languages
There are quite a lot of ways to go about naming a pet rock, but the one that may be the most obvious – yet simultaneously the most fun – is the most literal way of naming a pet rock.
That’s right – naming a pet rock “rock!”
Obviously, you can’t be too boring about it, especially if you’re planning on naming multiple rocks, say if you’re naming the rocks in an entire collection.
So the resolution is again simple – find words that literally mean rock in other languages!
Here’s a short list of some of my favourite words that mean “rock” in other languages.
Surely there are many more that are quite good as pet rock names, so if you know of any, do take a moment to leave them in the comments down below.
I’m sure there are plenty of variations on the word “rock” in other languages that would also do.
English has so many synonyms for rock that aren’t quite the same – words like “stone,” “slab,” “cobble,” “boulder,” and “gibber.”
It’s likely many of these synonyms translated into other languages would make for some interesting names for pet rocks as well.
- Pedro
- Rocha
- Skala
- Stijena
- Klippe
- Stein
- Mwamba
- Apata
- Bato
Cute Names for Pet Rocks That Have the Word “Rock” or “Stone” in Them
Yet another quite literal option for naming a pet rock – giving a pet rock a name that literally has the word “rock” or “stone” or a variation on it.
These are super cute names, in my opinion. Probably some of the most adorable names in all this list.
I really like them, personally, though if you’re naming more than one rock, they’d definitely get repetitive if you planned on having a collection of more than 2-3.
- Rocco
- Rocky
- Roxanne
- Roxie
- Rockbert
- S’Tony
Funny Celebrity / Famous Pop Culture Reference Pet Rock Names
Whether it’s naming a pet rock after a famous singer, actor, director, TV character, author, or magazine – using pop culture references that are slightly altered (or even used directly!) as names for pet rocks makes for some extremely amusing names.
I absolutely love the idea of having a collection full of these, especially if you’re likely to have your collection out on display where others can see it and enjoy the pop culture references, too!
Heck, if you’re painting your pet rocks or styling them in some way (maybe cute costumes?) you could even design them to look like the famous pop culture references they’re named after!
I’d die to see a collection of pet rocks like that!
- Sylvester The Stone
- Granite Jackson
- Rocky
- Fred Flintstone
- Barney Rubble
- Stony Curtis
- Ore-son Welles
- Sisyphus
- Rocknaldo
- Elizabeth Rockgomery
- Rolling Stone
- Roxanne
- Rock of Ages
Ironic Pet Rock Names That Refer to Rocks of Different Sizes
Since there are so many things made out of rock out there – both big and small, this could be a pretty interesting way to name a pet rock, or even a collection.
Calling a small rock “Boulder” or a pretty large pet rock “Sandy” would be pretty hilarious if you ask me.
The irony wouldn’t be lost on a lot of people, in my opinion, since it’s a pretty easy joke to get, and yet still clever enough to not be too corny.
- Boulder
- Landslide
- Mountain
- Pebbles
- Everest
- Sandy
Common Cat & Dog Pet Names to Use as Funny Pet Rock Names
If you’d like to poke fun at the fact that your rock is quite literally a pet rock, there’s no better way to do this, in my opinion, than to call your “pet” a common “pet” name – like a common dog name or a common cat name.
These aren’t the most popular names out there for dogs and cats of course, but they’re names that once you say them, make you think of dogs or cats.
Like “Lassie.” I think you’d be hard pressed to find someone out there who doesn’t know that’s a reference to the dog Lassie, which is why it’d make such a good name if you’re planning on using this technique for naming a pet rock.
I like “Spot,” too – not just because it’s the name of a very popular dog movie, but also because it’s an incredibly popular dog name, so it’s two in one.
Other Funny & Ironic Pet Rock Names
Here are a few other funny and ironic pet names that would work for a rock, but that didn’t really fit into any other category previously mentioned.
Let me know in the comments section if you can think of any more!
- Bullwinkle
- Speedy
- Chuckles
- Bubbles
- Basher
- The Windowbreaker
- Scissorbreaker
- Granny
- Moose

Names That Mean Rock, Stone, or Earth
If you like the idea of naming your pet rock something more serious, handsome, or beautiful, you might want to take a peek at this list of names that have meanings to do with either the words “rock,” “stone,” or “earth.”
That way the meaning of your rock’s name is quite literally what the essence of your rock is – a rock!
I absolutely love the idea of naming a rock “Arthur” or “Hermione.” Love those names and think they make for highly distinguished pet rocks!
- Abana
- Alan
- Arthur
- Cephas
- Chintamani
- Eben
- Ebenezer
- Ernest
- Evan
- Giza
- Gladstone
- Hermione
- Nell
- Nelly
- Paras
- Peter
- Pierce
- Pierre
- Thurston
Names Based on Gemstones
Another way you could go – naming your pet rock after a gemstone!
There are loads of gorgeous sounding names that would be suitable for these ends, and quite frankly, a load for males as well as females although you may have thought the majority would suit “female” pet rocks instead of males.
“Garnet,” for instance, would make an epic pet rock name in my books, if you’ve decided your pet rock is male. So would “Jasper.”
Out of the female sounding ones, there’s “Jade” and “Ruby” that I love to bits. Especially if you have a rock that’s got green or red colouring in it.
- Amethyst
- Sapphire
- Jade
- Pearl
- Amber
- Turquoise
- Emerald
- Garnet
- Opal
- Topaz
- Quartz
- Onyx
- Ruby
- Jasper
- Granite
- Quartz
- Obsidian
Names That Are Based on Other Types of Rocks
You can also name your pet rock after other types of rock.
This is possibly a bit of a strange thing to do, but I think it’s cute! Maybe even a bit ironic and thus funny as well.
Here are some rock types that make for excellent names in general, let alone for pet rocks:
- Flint
- Marble
- Coal
- Pumice
- Tuff
- Slate
- Shale
Pet Rock Names After Rock Pokemon
Ever thought of naming your pet rock after a favourite rock or even ground type Pokemon?
I personally absolutely love this idea because of how into Pokemon I am, so much that if I were to have a rock collection, I may actually base my entire collection on Pokemon.
A couple rocks in the collection named “Golem” and “Geodude”? Yes please. I want a pet rock with names like that.
Here are a few other good ones.
- Geodude
- Graveler
- Golem
- Onix
- Ryhorn
- Rhydon
- Omanyte
- Kabutops
- Aron
Other Pet Rock Names
These names literally fit nowhere else, but I still thought they’d make excellent pet rock names.
I don’t know what it is about a rock named “Napoleon” that really seems to sound nice.
Maybe it’s my obsession with Napoleon Dynamite, in which case I’d have to have a second one called “Pedro” too!
- Craig
- Lilith
- Stephen
- Frank
- Reginald
- Hank
- Dwayne
- Napoleon

Your Thoughts on Pet Rock Names?
What are your favourite pet rock names from this list? Can you think up any more of your own?
Have you ever named a pet rock before? Have one chosen for a new pet rock? Which name(s) did you use?
Also – why exactly a pet rock? Is there some funny way you’re planning on bringing this up to friends, taking it to parties – some other humourous thing you plan to do with a pet rock? Or are you doing it just for kicks and giggles and amusing for you?
Love to hear what you have to say in the comments down below!
Yes, I agree.
that is a very adequate name.
my rock will love it.
thank you.
Your Besties, Tegan and Brianna
I’m crocheting pet rocks to sell at a craft fair and am planning on naming and giving personalities to them. These lists will be very helpful! I have one at work I named Dwayne and I love hearing my students laugh when I introduce them to him.
Glad they’re helpful! That sounds like so much fun 😉
I didn’t really see too many female names but I honestly think you should add Sue to the list.
Hello fellow rock owners
I would like to say I appreciate the amount of rock owners in this world
Rocks are precious and deserve to be honored
Thank you for reading, Love you.