There are a whole bunch of last names that sound pretty stinkin’ hilarious on their own.
These are last names like “Berger” and “Wiener” that sound like or quite literally are funny words in and of themselves.

Then there are last names that result when you couple them with other hilarious last names, or even some relatively regular sounding ones.
You end up with hyphenated last names that are so odd to hear, it’s shocking when you find out a few rare couples have actually chosen to use these double-barrel last names.
I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it’d feel to have nearly any one of these last names.
Yes, you’d probably have a sort of ice breaker when you meet new people – getting a laugh easily out of everyone you meet when you first introduce yourself, or making them feel on edge, anxious about offending you, which could be equally as funny.
Still, I feel it takes a darn strong person to have one of these last names, and that it’d likely be very awkward introducing yourself otherwise, though maybe the last name being such an easy target for jokes may make you a stronger, better humoured person.
Speaking of which, can you imagine introducing yourself as a new kid in an elementary school class with one of these last names? Or introducing yourself as you ask for a spot at a job you dreamt of having for a long time?

Yes, you probably get used to the reaction people have, but darn would I think it would transform you into a confident person, because otherwise, you’d just be embarrassed every time, and that’s unlikely considering how often you have to tell people your name.
I would absolutely be embarrassed telling people my last name is nearly any one of these, though I suppose I couldn’t continue to feel that way forever.
I wonder if people who have these last names end up finding having them really entertaining, maybe even getting a little bit of a kick out of introducing themselves to new people because of how amusing other people’s awkward reactions must seem.
Have any of these last names or know of someone who does? What do these people think/feel about their last names?
How do they introduce themselves and do they ever feel awkward about doing so, or do they find it entertaining/amusing to introduce themselves?
Can you think of any more funny last names you’ve either heard of or made up yourself (in the case of double-barrel last names)? Leave a comment down below to let me know!

Funny Last Names: Hilarious Single & Double Barrel Last Names
Single-Word Funny Last Names
Pain & Violent Sounding Hilarious Last Names
- Payne
- Gorey
Adult-Sounding Funny Last Names
- Dick
- Cummings
- Ho
- Dick
- Hooker
- Pantii
- Rump
- Bottum
- Kuntz
- Condom
- Cockburn
- Cobbledick
- Wiener
- Kok
- Assman
Single-Word Last Names Funny for Connoting Bodily Functions
- Poop
- Wiwi
Miscellaneous Humourous Single-Word Last Names
- Cok
- Wacko
- Poore
- Looney
- Berger
- Ruff
- Saap
- Reckker

Hilarious Hyphenated, Double Barrel Funny Last Names
Pain & Violent Sounding Double-Barrel Funny Last Names
- Sharp-Payne
- Gorey-Butcher
Party-Themed Alluding Hyphenated Last Names
- Jaeger-Meister
- Party-Moore
Mental Health Connoting Funny Double-Barrel Last Names
- Poore-Saap
- Ruff-Goings
- Looney-Warde
Food Related Double-Barrel Funny Last Names
- Moore-Bacon
- MacDonald-Berger
Adult-Sounding Funny Last Names
- House-Reckker
- Busch-Graber
- Filler-Quick
- Wang-Holder
- Moore-Rump
- Best-Lay
- Busch-Rash
- Fillerup-Standing
- Traylor-Hooker
- Busch-Hacker
- Speedy-Zeiper
- Dick-Holder
- Gross-Pantii
- Stroker-Daily
- Appel-Bottum
- Rump-Orefice
- Dick-Champion
- Kuntz-Dick
- Dick-Long
Double-Barrel Last Names Funny for Connoting Bodily Functions
- Wannamaker-Poop
- Long-Wiwi
Miscellaneous Hilarious Hyphenated Last Names
- Peters-Rising
- Hardy-Harr
- Golden-Showers
- Little-Gay
- Gowen-Gettr

Your Thoughts on Funny Last Names?
Which of these funny last names did you find the most amusing?
Were there funny last names you thought up that didn’t make it to this article? What are they?
Have you ever known anybody with a funny last name – or do you have one yourself? What’s the last name and what type of reaction did you give/do you get when the last name was said aloud?
Have you ever thought of using a funny last name for something like a character, or even for yourself? What were you thinking of using the funny last name for?
Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments down below!
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